showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Interplay Entertainment (Snowblind Studios)2001 1life 2hmeleeweapons adv-ptdistr adv-static amoeboids automap axes baldursgate beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-weight cave cemetery classbased classbasedeq cliffhanger cloakednpcs containers controlconfig deathpits dialog-sentences difficulty disappearingplatforms dnd dnd3 doors dragons dragons-western dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elementals elves encounters-popup energyregen energyregen-slow equipmentbased eviloverlord explosiveobjects femaleprotagonist forest forgottenrealms gargoyles gelatinouscubes ghosts giantanimals gianthumanoids giantinsects giantspiders golems greatesthits hapticfeedback healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow heroprotagonist humanoidanimals illusionarywalls interactivedialogs inventory itemgenerator itempickup-instant jumping karmiccreatures keys knives limitedcapacity magic magicartefacts maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mine minotaurs monsters mountain mp-campaign mp-cooperative multiverse mystics neutralmonsters npcfriendlyfire obsoletedassets openended optionaltasks outlaws pain polearms portals potions premadecharacters randomdamage rating-cero-c rating-elspa-15 rating-esrb-t rats rewardingvandalism rodents ruins safezone sasquatch sauroids savepoints sewers shallowwater sharedsetting shopping skeletons snowblind-engine sorcery speciespenalty subterranean suicideattackers swords teleport tutorial undead universallanguage unknownpast uvl-tiein voiceovers walking weefolk wetland willowisps wintery wolves xp-deeds xp-kills xp-shared zombies labelimagesubject
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter  Capcom;CE Europe (Capcom)2002 adv-objects adv-static amoeboids anticipatorystockpiles automap biorobots bossbattles breathoffire capacity-slots chiroptera chosenone classbased combatmode difficulty-single dragons dragons-western elevators faerierealm fallbackweapon forgottenpast group handguns healingitems industrial-setting insectoids isopods kemonomimi limitedcapacity loot-random magic meleeweapons midastouch mimics minigames minotaurs monsters obsoletedassets performanceissues physicalgods plantcreatures premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming rebellion researchfacility rewardingvandalism robots savepoints savetokens settlementminigame shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping sorcery stash statuseffects stealingnpcs subterranean subway suidoids supermode swords tactical teenprotagonist timeunits town traproom turnbasedcombat uvl-missingimages walkers walking weaklingprotagonist wingedhumanoids wintery xp-kills labelimagesubject
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe  Buena Vista Games;D3 Publisher (Traveller's Tales)2005 beavers book centaurs childprotagonist cyclopes fauns flatworld lions minotaurs movie narnia parallelworld rodents werewolves wolves labelimagesubject
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords D3 Publisher (Infinite Interactive)2007 1on1 adv-ptdistr autosavepoints colormatching elves highfantasy magic match3 minotaurs missionbased puzzlequest-series shariki-like skeletons undead visualmatching warlords-series labelimageminimize
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Disney Interactive Studios (Traveller's Tales)2008 book childprotagonist flatworld gianthumanoids lutris minotaurs movie narnia parallelworld labelimageminimize